Moon Slayer – The Return of the Lions of Durga is a unique creation myth. It is an extraordinary story. One that has never been told before. In this highly original work of fiction we visit distant galaxies, are introduced to a new perspective on the stars and are shown how unseen forces shaped our Solar System in a time before the Moon. Its powerful narrative describes how worlds are formed and worlds taken and possessed by the creators of galaxies, suns, and planets; and how, caught up in this, is an epic struggle for dominion of the Earth, spanning many hundreds of thousands of years. Moon Slayer is the legend of how our Sun was stolen, our Moon ‘possessed’ and how the Earth was ‘high-jacked’ by the ancient creator god, Naga (the Great Serpent).
In four parts, and through his individual style of visionary illustration, Neil Hague tells the story of the Goddess Durga and the Lions of Regal, and their return to Earth to free it from the darkness of Naga’s control. We are introduced to a ‘multi-dimensional pantheon’ of deities and creators telling of their celestial battles for the Solar Tree and our planet Earth aeons ago. We meet the Velon, Lord Marduk, the Priests of Jeal, the Simus, and the Armies of Saturn, along with other entities that exist beyond the illusion of our physical world. Moon Slayer is inspired by numerous legends and myths, from the Sanskrit Shiva Purana to the legends of the Dreamtime taking us back to the beginning of Creation. More than Genesis, it offers a strikingly unique alternative.
ISBN: 978-0-9541904-7-7
All Copies are signed by Neil through our site
Hard back Colour 64 pages (10×7′) Fiction
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