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Fools Day - a Solar New Year

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

The Fool, or 'Kesil', was often connected to the court jester and a medieval fool can also be found in the Hebrew noun ‘kes’ (a throne), or Arabic ‘kursi’, and is unique to Orion’s relationship with royalty; hence why the court jester held a vital position in the royal courts of Europe. The jester was the only person who could mock (make an ass of) the court in front of the king. According to Greek legends, the Sun god Apollo, changed King Midas’ ears into ass’s ears because he preferred the sound of Pan’s pipes to the music of the temple of Delphi. April Fools day is a Solar festival unlike Easter which is Lunar.

The innocence of the Fool and the Age, or time before the fall relates to this symbolism. It is the ‘unnumbered’ Fool who begins the tarot (or the journey) from the innocence of spirit to the outwardly physical projection of the world (reality). In fact the whole of the Major Arcana in the Tarot is symbolic of the Fool's journey into becoming a the world (or at one with the earth). The tarot cards, the Fool (or Joker), the Magician, and the Hermit are archetypes showing a connection to Orion (the star man). The Major Arcana cards seem to be hinting at a path of self-discovery, that starts with Orion (The Fool card) and ends with the earth matrix (World card).

Petroglyphs of strange deities, such as ‘Kokopelli’ (the hunchback flute player), found in numerous locations across North America, are considered a symbol of the ‘Solar life force’.

The ‘Son of Man’ symbolism, through Adam, Atum, Osiris (the Green Man), are all symbolically connected to Orion, duality and ‘the lord of time’ – Saturn, as I have been illustrating so far. Whether Pagan or Christian (same original source), a ‘twin force’ symbolised through the biblical Jesus and John figures, reigns over the solstices in a perpetual cycle of life, death and rebirth (Alpha and Omega). Masau’u, whose head was often depicted as a ‘skull or pumpkin’ on the ‘Hopi Fire Clan’ tablets (symbolic of decapitation), was often shown ‘carrying a head’ or a ‘bag’ of seeds (or stars); in some instances, he is wearing a pumpkin-like mask or head. The God of Death, Masau’u, and the God of Life, Kokopelli, are two aspects of a ‘Divine Being’ – Orion (Adam on High).

Similar origins of the British Lord of Misrule, as a ‘sacrificial king’ (a temporary king, who was later put to death for the benefit of all, have also been recorded. See the movie, The Wicker Man (1973), starring the late, Lord of Misrule himself – Sir Christopher Lee. Christopher (Frank Carandini) Lee, who never got to play either ‘Santa’ or ‘Krampus’, as far am aware, often mentioned his ancient Roman ancestry (bloodline) in books and on TV interviews. His autobiography, Lord of Misrule (published by ‘Orion’ in 2003), hints at his knowledge of the occult and symbolism associated with fertility rites and the Pagan calendar of ancient Rome. I once stood next to Lee at a Eurostar waiting area over twenty years ago, at the time he had just finished filming the Lord of the Rings trilogy and he seemed both enigmatic and ‘strange’ to me. Whether ‘Sauroman’, ‘Lord Summer Isle’ or Count Dracula, his movies were very Saturnian, to say the least.

The Lord of Misrule gets more gruesome in ancient Rome. In ‘Durostorum on the Danube’ (modern Silistra), Roman soldiers would choose a man from among them to be the Lord of Misrule for thirty days through December. At the end of those thirty days, the Fool's throat was cut on the altar of Saturn (charming). Yet, the classic image of the Fool, or jester is also a Lord of Misrule figure and relates to the Egyptian god 'Min' and the Greek god of Arcadia, 'Pan'. Both are fertility gods focused on from April 1st through to May 1st (May day/Beltaine).

The three pointed hat of the Fool (Jester) seems to represent the triptite symbolism of Orion, or what I refer to as The Orion (interstellar) Cult, or the Orion-Saturn-Moon Cult in my book Orion's Door.

The 1st of April is the time of new beginnings and opportunities, symbolic of the innocence of the Fool. It was also known as Gowkie Day in Scotland, or 'April fish day'. The play on fish could relate to the Capricorn (fish goat) Pan, or the god Oannes of ancient Babylon, too.

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something."


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