Do you need spiritual guidance, seek knowledge, or want to know more about your 'life path' as we travel through times of great change? Allow me to offer counsel and clarity through my natural ability to access spirit, going beyond the illusion, seeing through what I call, the 'Eye of the Heart'.
During the energy readings I view you through my ancient eyes – an ability I've had since childhood; a gift often channelled through my art, Ikonic tv series, Cave of the Ancients and my illustrated books over the past 30 years.
The 'reading' allows me to help you 'see your spirit', your true connection to stellar consciousness, and illustrate (mainly though story and sometimes a computer generated image), your otherworldly aspects and much more besides? Such insight is vital as we enter an immense transformational era and the end of our current Timeline. Knowing more about your higher self, your 'guides' and your true purpose can be an important focus at this time. It's healing to feel moved by such knowledge and information.
When we move beyond the physical and through the 'astral world (dimension), while focusing on the heart, we gain a sense of inner peace - we start to awaken to 'who we truly are'. I can help you do this.
These unique readings allow you to see beyond 3D, into 4D, to open your heart to your higher levels of consciousness.
“Neil Hague’s work is unique – the language of an open and highly creative mind. You look with your eyes, but he speaks to your heart.”
David Icke
The Complete Energy Reading
In a 60 to 90 minute 1:1 online chat with Neil, the session enables a connection to 'higher levels of consciousness' through a discussion/some light regression (via Zoom). The consultation is intended to be partially therapeutic, while bringing insight into your life’s purpose and connection to your spirit ancestors. Neil has a unique way of 'seeing beyond the physical world', while accessing (often through clairvoyance and drawing) deeper insights and messages for those seeking help. The process can involve some numerological insight and also includes an extensive Destiny Matrix Chart 10+ page reading sent to you after the online session.
After gaining insight and connection to your spirit (otherworldly aspects), or animal totems, etc., Neil will describe what he sees in relation to your spirit, as he goes beyond the astral (4th Dimension) reality to 'see' (with you) into your spirit journey. He focuses on higher consciousness often through storytelling (voice to ear/vibration), guided meditation (when required) while offering insight into realms beyond the physical world.
I had an amazing energy reading with Neil. Not only was he accurate on many points, he also connected with the Starseed of my frequency which I found very revealing along with his beautiful art provided. Speaking with Neil was like having a wonderful connection with an old friend. The numerology report was also extremely revealing! I highly recommend to work with Neil and his gifts!
France (USA)
This has been one of the most interesting and accurate readings I have had -what an amazing gift!
Louise (UK)
My spirit reading with Neil is accurate ,interesting, insightful and invaluable. A must have!Anna P (UK)
For the private online consultation please use the payment button which will generate an email for Neil to respond to. He will then contact you to arrange a suitable time and day for a mutually convenient time for you and him to meet (online). This will be within 48 hours of purchase.
Due to availability - offered reading 'days and times' (slots) can be up to 2 to 3 weeks after the initial Booking. All New Bookings are now for January 2025
1:1 'Eye of the Heart' Energy Reading by UK visionary Neil Hague
Neil is a Rahanni Celestial Healing practioner with 30 years of experience holding groups, lectures, healing circles and teaching in education.
Neil Hague
Masters / PGDip in Art and Education
Additional Information you will receive
The Destiny Matrix reading (provided by DestinyMatrix expert, Ilona) is a powerful and spiritual tool for self-discovery, using numerology to help you navigate life effectively in order to achieve success. This comprehensive, 10+ page numerology chart reading, based on your birthdate, delves into various aspects of your life. It explores your character, connecting your primary Tarot archetype to a corresponding numerological sequence, and analyzes your personal mission, negative shadow aspects, and areas needing improvement.
1) The 'Eye of the Heart' Reading is based on the terms & conditions that take place upon the execution of a receipt by of a completed payment. Neil Hague Books reserves the right, in total discretion and with no need to provide explanations, to decline to accept a booking. In such situation no agreement arises any payments received by will be returned. The agreement is between neil hague and the client and is the sole agreement between those parties. No variation of these terms & conditions shall be applicable unless agreed in writing by The agreement is governed by English law.
2) If the Reading is cancelled 'by the client', before the agreed set date begins, will retain 50% of the fee, to cover costs and loss of booked session. Should Neil Hague have to cancel reading, the client will initially be offered 2 alternative days/times that can accomodate both parties. Should there be a need for Neil to cancel completely for other reasons a full refund will be offered, minus £25 to cover the Destiny Matrix Chart.
3) All 'Eye of the Heart' Readings will be 'schedueld in advance' (at least 1 week), so to allow for planning.
4) Our user’s privacy is of the highest importance. We will never share your details with third-parties and all of our data is kept secure and deleted in line with GDPR compliance.
5) The Extensive Destiny Matrix Chart and 10+ pages is an 'external' pack and will be emailed to you within 48 hours of the reading having taken place.
6) Neil Hague accepts no liability connected to the discussions raised during the Energy Reading; especially in relation to loss, damage or injury, or 'medical matters' or 'general health' and wellbeing issues. The content on this website and the nature of the energy readings and charts are not to be taken as 'medical advice'. For all medical advice (for you or others), you should consult your medical professional.